Saturday, September 12, 2015

Review of Science Fiction Novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Brave New World by Englishman Aldous Huxley is a science fiction concept novel published in 1932. In Huxley's future world, the people of today are portrayed as savages and modern people are controlled by groupthink and a designer drug--soma. In the novel the people of today feel love, believe in God and pray. Base savages!

The novel has taken on a life of its own and is often read in high school and college classrooms. Many rock bands have created songs about it. But does that alone make it a classic?

  • “Brave New World” Reagan Youth
  • "Hug Me" Meg & Dia
  • "I Don't Know How to Love Him" Jesus Christ Superstar
  • “The Future” Prince
  • "I Have Seen The Future" The Bravery 
  • "I Hate You, Then I Love You" Celine Dion & Luciano Pavarotti
  • "Imagine" John Lennon
  • "Last Resort" Papa Roach
  • "Let Down" Radiohead
  • "She's So High" Tal Bachman
  • "Short People" Randy Newman
  • "Soma" The Strokes
The novel is thin in a few areas. Huxley has stepped on the trap that clamps on many a leg of sci-fi writers. He was unable to fully imagine a world 600 years (only 500 now) in the future with his descriptions. The most glaring example is the mode of transportation for the denizens of the future. Rocketships? Hovercrafts? Vacuum tubes? Try helicopters.

In the 1920s and 1930s is when commercial helicopters took flight. Brave New World was published in 1932. This is 100 years after the visionary authors in Mesaerion: The Best Science Fiction Short Stories 1800-1849 imagined travel to the moon and flight on the tails of comets.

Huxley hit close to the mark, however, on a number of his other visions. A detached sexual revolution would come 30 years later in the 1960s. Today, designer drugs are prevalent. Soma for all my little friends! Brave New World is one of the first novels to glorify tailored drugs and it was kept afloat in popular culture by Tim O'Leary and Ken Kesey in the drug fueled culture of the 1960s. Even on his deathbed Huxley asked his wife for LSD, which administered.

What has made Brave New World stand the test of time is the concept more than the execution. There is one on thing in the novel that makes it great. There are no enduring characters such as a Jay Gatsby or Holden Caufield or Randle McMurphy. The descriptions and writing style are good, but lacking in some ways as pointed out above. The concept is what holds the other middling elements together. And because of it the novel should be read in the context of a classic, though a minor one.

#BraveNewWorld #BraveNewWorldReview

Sunday, August 2, 2015

University of Iowa Inherits Huge Sci-fi Collection

As reported by I09, the University of Iowa, right in the Midwest of the United States, has inherited a huge collection of science fiction short stories and novels. They were donated by Allan Lewis, a sci-fi reader his entire life.

The University of Iowa is fast becoming the go-to source for archaic science fiction literature and will soon compete with the collection held by MIT. A couple years ago it also received a large donation of sci-fi from James "Rusty" Hevelin.

This is great, but does it hold: Mesaerion: The Best Science Fiction Short Stories 1800-1849?


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Lost Ray Bradbury Interview Set in Motion by Blank & Blank

In a lost 1972 road trip interview, Ray Bradbury told a couple of college journalists his thoughts on like minded friends, never driving a car, and why his science fiction stories were frequently set on Mars.

In the first half of the nineteenth century, however, the moon was all the rage for science fiction short stories. Check out "A Visit to the Lunar Sphere" of 1820 to learn about an interesting Lunarian named Zuloc that's found in Mesaerion: The Best Science Fiction Short Stories 1800-1849.